Wednesday, May 25, 2016

NYS TESOL Writing & Storytelling Contest

New York Language Center is participating in NYS TESOL's Annual Essay Writing and Digital Storytelling Contest, which is now in its 11th year. The topic this year is "Collaboration." 
We invite all students in the High Intermediate, Advanced, and Post-Advanced levels to participate. Click on "Read more" below to read the full instructions. You may write an essay or submit a digital file to share your story. Some teachers at school may also incorporate this as an activity in class. 
Each branch will choose a winner and two runners up, and the winner chosen by NYS TESOL will be recognized at the 46th Annual NYS TESOL conference in Syracuse, New York, in November 2016.
For more information on how to submit, ask your teacher or the academic coordinator at your branch. 
Good luck to all participants! 

Call for Student Projects
 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
--Helen Keller (1880-1968)
Each year, in order to showcase the tremendous talents of English language Learners, NYS TESOL proudly sponsors a student project contest. As usual, the contest theme is framed within the shifting landscapes of the needs of our culturally and linguistically diverse society.
Contest Theme: Collaboration
Working with others is often required of students, employees, athletes, government officials, and many others in society. What are the benefits of working with others, and why do you think it is important that people work together?
Submission Guidelines:
Contestants can choose to enter in one of the following two categories. Notice that each category is defined by separate guidelines and rubrics. No double entries are allowed.
Please refer to our rubric for more information

Contest CategoriesDefinitions and Guidelines
An essay is a piece of writing written from an author's personal point of view that analyzes and evaluates an issue or a topic. Possible types include: personal essay, narrative essay, persuasive essay, etc.
Please respond in an essay of 250 words or fewer (grades 4-5; 6-8), or 500 words or fewer (grades 9-12; university and adult education).
Digital Storytelling
Digitally storytelling is broadly defined as the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including but not being limited to graphics, images, photos, audio, video etc.
·      The presentation should be no longer than five minutes in length
·      If a photograph/image is taken from the Internet it must be cited properly
·      The first slide/frame of the story should include the title, student(s) first name and the name of their school. Stories must be saved in .wmv or .mp4

All submission must be the original work of the contestant, unpublished or not accepted for publication.
Submission can have more than one author and any prizes awarded will be split evenly between or among the authors.
Please include with each submission the contest category, the student's name, grade level, teacher's name, school's name and teacher’s contact information. Please ensure that the contact information will be valid over the summer of 2016.

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